Punching Out! Your Baby’s Ugly, Now Get Over it – How to Work with Buyers
Here’s a scenario: An owner has gone to market and is starting to get feedback from buyers, and shockingly, not everyone appreciates the hard work and achievements that went into the business. Buyers may not understand the business, or they may be trying to position things for a low offer. In any case, it is... Read More →
Catching up with…Tom Kastner
When is the right time to sell your board house? Who is going to buy it? What is a buyer looking for in a PCB fabrication business? These are questions I hear all the time particularly in the past few months as many owners are reaching an age when they are thinking about retirement. So... Read More →
Punching Out! What the Heck is Adjusted EBITDA?
If you are looking to sell or buy a business, you will most likely come across the term ‘adjusted EBITDA.’ Other common terms are adjusted cash flow, owner’s discretionary earnings, earnings after add-backs, etc. What do these terms mean, and why are they important? EBITDA is an acronym for earnings before interest, taxes (on income),... Read More →